Solution Manual for Quantitative Analysis for Management, 13th Edition by Barry Render
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Introduction to Quantitative Analysis
Chapter 2: Probability Concepts and Applications
Chapter 3: Decision Analysis
Chapter 4: Regression Models
Chapter 5: Forecasting
Chapter 6: Inventory Control Models
Chapter 7: Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods
Chapter 8: Linear Programming Applications
Chapter 9: Transportation, Assignment, and Network Models
Chapter 10: Integer Programming, Goal Programming, and Nonlinear Programming
Chapter 11: Project Management
Chapter 12: Waiting Lines and Queuing Theory Models
Chapter 13: Simulation Modeling
Chapter 14: Markov Analysis
Chapter 15: Statistical Quality Control
Modules 1: Analytic Hierarchy Process
Modules 2: Dynamic Programming
Modules 3: Decision Theory and the Normal Distribution
Modules 4: Game Theory
Modules 5: Mathematical Tools: Determinants and Matrices
Modules 6: Calculus-Based Optimization
Modules 7: Linear Programming: The Simplex Method
Modules 8: Transportation, Assignment, and Network Algorithms