Test Bank for Abnormal Psychology, 17th Edition Jill M. Hooley


Abnormal Psychology, 17th Edition by Jill M. Hooley Test Bank

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Test Bank for Abnormal Psychology, 17th Edition by Jill M. Hooley

Table of Content

1. Abnormal Psychology: Overview and Research Approaches
2. Historical and Contemporary Views of Abnormal Behavior
3. Causal Factors and Viewpoints
4. Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis
5. Stress and Physical and Mental Health
6. Panic, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Their Disorders
7. Mood Disorders and Suicide
8. Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders
9. Eating Disorders and Obesity
10. Personality Disorders
11. Substance-Related Disorders
12. Sexual Variants, Abuse, and Dysfunctions
13. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
14. Neurocognitive Disorders
15. Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence (Neurodevelopmental Disorders)
16. Psychological Treatment
17. Contemporary and Legal Issues in Abnormal Psychology

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