Test Bank for Company Accounting, 11th Edition Edition Ken Leo


Company Accounting, 11th Edition by Edition Ken Leo Test Bank

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Test Bank for Company Accounting, 11th Edition by Edition Ken Leo

Table of Content

Chapter 1. Nature and regulation of companies
Chapter 2. Financing company operations
Chapter 3. Business combinations
Chapter 4. Disclosure: legal requirements and accounting policies
Chapter 5. Disclosure: presentation of financial statements
Chapter 6. Disclosure: statement of cash flows
Chapter 7. Foreign currency transactions and forward exchange contracts
Chapter 8. Translation of financial statements into a presentation currency
Chapter 9. Consolidation: controlled entities
Chapter 10. Consolidation: wholly owned subsidiaries
Chapter 11. Consolidation: intragroup transactions
Chapter 12. Consolidation: non-controlling interest
Chapter 13. Consolidation: other issues
Chapter 14. Associates and joint ventures
Chapter 15. Joint arrangements
Chapter 16. Insolvency and liquidation
Chapter 17. Accounting for company income tax
Chapter 18. Property, plant & equipment

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